eQUEST Supply Air Temperature Reset for ASHRAE Systems 5-8

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Supply Air Temperature Reset for ASHRAE Baseline Systems 5, 6, 7, and 8

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In this automatically generated file, we can see that the cooling coil has some sort of reset applied to it. This isn't exactly correct per 90.1, so we're going to show a video that we previously made on how to create a supply air temperature reset schedule that's based on the outdoor air temperature.

And if you want to skip that part, we're actually going to make a file that you can import into your models that has a 5 degree supply air temperature reset based on the outdoor air. I would recommend watching the video so you understand how it works, but I understand that some people just want to jump straight through it and see the attached file. You can use that to import into your models, which we will use moving forward.

We are going to set up supply air temperature reset for our air handling unit. Simply double click on AHU to open it. Select the cooling tab. We need to select from cool control. We will select the option for reset. Then we need to create a cooling reset schedule.

This prompts us to create a schedule. Let's name it SA Reset. The schedule type is reset temp, then click OK. We are prompted to create the schedule. The end month is 12 and the end date is 31. The week schedule can be selected from the library. Select week schedule reset temp, then click OK and click done and click done again.

We need to specify our schedule now. Navigate to the week schedule we just created. Select the schedule and open it. We will give it a new name. We can use SA Reset week. Click done and click OK. Navigate to the day schedule. Find the day schedule and open it. We can name it SA Reset day.

Now here's the fun part. It warns us about changing the schedule name. Click OK. We need to specify our temperature ranges. We will select the high temperature as 80, then select the low ambient temperature of 60. The maximum supply temperature is 60. We can click done.

Let's navigate back to the air handling unit. We can open it once we find it and select the cooling tab. We can see the schedule name is set and implemented.

So to recap what we did, we set a supply air reset schedule with a temperature of 5 degrees. This is assuming we had the 20 degree delta T from the 75 degree room set point and the supply air reset up to 5 degrees, which is 60 degrees from 55. If your design temperatures are different, you would have to customize this according to that. For example, if you had 74, you would have a supply temperature of 20 degrees less, which would be 54. And this would be 5 degrees greater, which would be 59. In general, 75 is a common number, and we will save this schedule as its own file and import it in future models.