ASHRAE 90.1 System 3 Single Zone

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ASHRAE Baseline System 3 PSZ-AC Packaged rooftop air conditioner

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TRANSCRIPT: ASHRAE Baseline System 3 PSZ-AC Packaged rooftop air conditioner

System 3 is our first non-residential baseline system. As we can see on the chart here, it is a packaged rooftop air conditioner, constant volume, DX with a fossil fuel furnace. There is not a great way to model System 3 from the Compliance Wizard. It's basically the same way as modeling System 1, so instead I'm just going to show you how to model it from the wizard. Although most of the time you will model your baseline system in detailed mode starting with your proposed building. Sometimes you can get away with modeling your proposed building and modifying it in the wizard, so I'm just going to show you how to do that really quick. I'll just use the SD Wizard here. They both have the same functionality for modeling this system. Right away I'm going to select the code analysis for LEED and we're going to stick with Chicago, Illinois.

That's System 3. Climate Zone 5A, which is a System 3 baseline. System 3 is under 25,000 square feet, depending on your version of 90.1 that you're modeling. We'll just set this at 20,000. Defaults for a two-story office is DX coils with a furnace anyway. I'm going to skip all of these things even though they matter for your baseline building. We're just focused on the system. We have DX coils and a furnace and it's package single zone DX with a furnace for the system type. That's exactly what we want anyway. Right here we have our indoor design temperature and the supply. That just so happens that that's a 20-degree delta T. That's one of our 90.1 rules for the supply air. We have to have a 20-degree delta T. Some people think that that means we have to have a heating design temperature of a 20-degree delta T. In general, that's not enough and we can leave this 120 here. Most of the time, virtually all of the time, your design air flows are based on cooling. There are some exceptions, but in general, we're looking at a 20-degree delta T between these two numbers. If you had 74, this would have to be 54.

We're going to show you how to edit the EER later. Though you could use table 6.8 and enter your EER here, we would probably have to fix that later. Right here we're at 80% efficiency. That's right in many versions of 90.1 anyway. We're going to have to customize the fan power later. If we looked in appendix G at the economizer setup, we would see that system 3 in climate zone 5 has a 70-degree dry bulb limit. This is just the general setup for economizers in 90.1. They're based off of the dry bulb and they can run at partially with the compressor. So we can't lock out the compressor in other words. And that's all we're going to set up right here. Click finish.

We're just looking at the systems. Switch to detailed data edit. Here, this is one of the benefits from creating this in the wizard, is we get one system per zone. Otherwise, you have to create your own systems and then select each zone to the corresponding system or thermal block. If you're good at using thermal blocks, that's another option to minimize the number of systems that you have to model. So we're going to start in all of these by editing the first system and we're going to set the parameters that are universal. We're going to switch the sizing ratio to one on this first screen. Here we can see our system type is package single zone. We're just going to jump straight to cooling. For all baseline systems, we have 115% sizing for the cooling sizing ratio. For heating, we have 125% or 1.25. We can see the 120 that we just saw in the wizard. In cooling, we can see this 55, which is key that it's 20 degrees lower than the cooling design set point.

Okay, I hope you're still with me here. That's pretty much the easy part. From here, we want to set up the outdoor air. As you can see, we already had done this, but the wizard brings in this enthalpy limit. We want to delete that. There is no compressor lockout. So if that says yes, you'll want to switch it to no with the maximum outdoor air fraction of one. That's the economizer setup that's specific to climate zone 5A, which requires an economizer for system three and up. We want to check the fans and we're going to customize the fan inputs here in a moment. Right now, we just want to ensure that the fan control is constant volume. The fan is allowed to cycle on any for its cycling. We don't need to edit the flow parameters. Some people set the flow ratio to 115. It doesn't say that explicitly. We're supposed to oversize the coil. So the fan flow of 1.1 should be okay. Now, the rest of the parameters we're going to set up are going to vary from system to system, as you'll see. You probably don't want to do this step until your model is almost complete.

Right now, what we want to do is we want to simulate the system and we want to see how big these systems are so that we can apply the fan calculations and that we can apply table 6.8 efficiencies. Just going to go ahead and simulate this. We're going to view the detailed simulation output file. We're just going to skip straight to the SVA report. This is something that we're going to do from here on out from system three all the way through system eight. So right here, we're just looking at system one right now. We want to know its capacity. This one's right on the edge. So this is something that we might have to change later if this number drops. We have the supply CFM of 2003. From here, we want to go to table 6.8. Depending on your version of 90.1, you'll have different options. Here we have air conditioners, air cooled. It's greater than 65,000 BTUs and less than 135,000. If it was less than 65,000, we would have a different efficiency. So right here, we're from 65 to 135. The heating is all other because we're using a furnace and we'll use 11.0 EER. Now E-Quest doesn't use EER, it uses EIR. So we have to convert EER to EIR. Under the system type, we have to go to the cooling tab. We have entered the cooling sizing ratio. We have to go to the unitary power and enter the electric input ratio.

If you don't know how to convert EIR to EER and so on, there's a tool at It's several conversion units here and from here, it's EIR and E-Quest. There's a complicated way to do this. You can try those equations. They account for things like fan power and compressor power. Right now, we're just going to use the simple definition and EIR is 1 over COP and EER equals COP times 3.413. So we're just going to take and do the math. It's 3.413 divided by 11 and we get .3103. I want to go to the fourth digit. If you didn't know what size your unit was going to be, you could always look at the specific units. Find the worst that would be the lowest EER and use that number. You're always okay to use a number that's worse than required. Not recommended, but that's what we can do.

Now we go to the fans and we want to restore default under the static. The reason we want to do that is so that we can enable the KW per CFM. If you recall from the simulation, we had 2003 CFM. There are several tools to calculate the KW per CFM. The one that I use is the tool that I wrote. It's on for free. We're not going to cover fan credits or anything like that as that's beyond the scope of this course, though you can look into that. We go back to tools and and it's the most popular tool here. We had 2003 CFM and it's going to be a constant volume non-residential system. 308348, 835. We enter that there and now we have the system set up with the correct fan power, the correct efficiency for cooling, and we finally need to set the efficiency for heating. Under heating, we go to unitary power and EQEST uses the furnace heat input ratio, which is one over the efficiency. If we look at 6.81 in the 2010 version, it's 6.81E. We can look and most of these have an 80% efficiency. It's going to be gas-fired. We can see both of these are at 80% efficiency with some exceptions. 1 divided by 0.8 equals 1.25 and we have the right efficiency from the wizard already. So we have that taken care of.

From here, we want to set up the additional systems as each zone, each control zone is going to have its own system. I'm going to look at the system here and I'll show you a trick. We could do this in the first step and it would apply to most things, just not the efficiency for the cooling or the fan power. I'm going to go to spreadsheet, the very first sheet. We overrode the sizing ratio because we're sizing the individual coils and we are going to set the default range as 1. And we can just restore default. We could copy and paste. There's a lot of different ways to do this. The next thing we would do is just sticking in the order that we edited things in the first place. Cooling coil capacity. We're going to edit the user defaults and you can see why this is useful here. It automatically changed all of those numbers. We'll go to the unitary power while we're here. Even though this will change, you can get a good starting point by copying all of these numbers here. If you recall this was an EER of 11. We're just setting that across the board.

We have to go to heating, coil capacity. We'll select that radio button and that automatically propagates through all of the systems. We set the economizer. That was under outdoor air. We don't want this zero. We want this blank. And we have that set up for the economizer. We have to edit the fan control. They're all constant volume. We have to set the night cycle control. Select this radio button and cycle on any. That will set up the fan cycling for all of the systems. Back to the spreadsheets. Under the fan power, we have to restore the default for the static in all of them. OK, and you'll see that the cooling KW per CFM was set in all of these. These are going to be pretty similar across the board. They will be different based on the CFM of the system. I'm going to set this to... And that way if we forget, we'll have something that's pretty close. We have the fan power. We have the EIR. The heating input ratio was set automatically from the wizard. If it's not, we would also want to set that to 80% or 1.25% for all of these systems.

Now we want to simulate this again and we're not going to cover every single system. We're just going to show you one example. But we want to update the heating input ratio, the cooling input ratio, and the fan power depending on the system size. So we'll simulate this again. We're looking at the SVA report. You can see the capacity of this went up. There's also a heating capacity. If that mattered, both of the heating furnaces were at 80%. Supply CFM is the same. So let's just look at a different system. This one is similar in size and it's a similar CFM as well. This one is less. So we may want to look at that. Let's see if there's a bigger one. So we have two of the North systems that are both substantially smaller than the other systems. This one was only 1200 CFM, so we'll look at GN3 North, the ground level North system. If we entered 1200 CFM, constant volume non-residential, we end up with the same fan power. Just see if we entered something really high. So we can see that it would change, however we're at the range of the minimum fan power. So we're going to be at the lower end for all of these. We checked 2500, we saw something around that.

Don't forget the system type. So some of these are going to be at the .00080 level and some are going to be at the .834. This one we would keep the same and then we need to go to table 6.8.1 and here we have under 65,000. It's a Sear value of 13 and Sear doesn't exactly convert directly to EER, but we can come close. It's under tools and the simple way to convert EER is to take Sear times 8.75. Back to our calculator, 13 times 8.875. It's approximately 11 and now we take 3.413 divided by 11.375 and we have the EIR for the smaller systems. Anything less than 65,000 is going to go .30000. Pretty easy to remember.

Go back into equests. We're just looking at the north systems right here. So for the north system that was under 65,000. And if we remember you could redo this, but if you recall the other north system was under 65,000. For the fan power. The systems were the same, but some of the larger systems were different and we'd want to go through and check each one of these. In our .SIM file, SBA report and find the cooling design KW per CFM for each one of those systems. Most of them are going to be at .00835 and a few of them were going to be at .00801 or something like that. You would want to verify each one by looking at the CFM from the SBA report. That's not really necessary for us to go through here. But that's the final step and there you would have each system customized. The remaining things to do are beyond the scope of this course because they're not common, they're sometimes not uncommon. Depending on your amount of ventilation, you might need energy recovery and depending on the population and size of the space, you might need to apply demand control ventilation. Those topics are covered in our other courses or you could find them by searching online. They're not that rare, but they're also not very common to our typical system.

Alright, good luck with modeling system 3