ASHRAE 90.1 Baseline System 6 Packaged VAV with PFP Boxes in eQUEST

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ASHRAE 90.1 Baseline System 6 Packaged VAV with PFP Boxes in eQUEST

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ASHRAE 90.1 Baseline System 6, Packaged VAV with PFP Boxes. Basically, this system is exactly the same as System 5, except it uses electric reheat and it has parallel fan boxes that consume energy. So, we need to add the parallel fans and switch the heat to electric and that's basically System 6. So, let's just go ahead and we're going to save this as. All of the steps in System 5 are the same.

Let's go to the systems. So, we had System 1, VAV and we would need to add parallel fans to this. There's a problem because eQUEST doesn't allow us to add parallel fans to this particular system. So, what we need to do is we need to switch this to the system that the compliance tool set these to powered induction units. For some reason, this is going to require a chilled water loop, even though we're not going to use one. We're just going to switch to the starting points, default chilled water. We'll get rid of that later. Now, we'll get rid of that by going for the cooling source, electric DX. Notice, this has all of the inputs that we had entered before. The step would be the same as System 5 and I don't see the point in going over that again.

The only difference would be going to the zones. Under the air flow, the terminal type is a parallel PIU. You're going to set the schedule accordingly. The zone fan ratio is already completed and according to most versions of 90.1, it's 0.35W per CFM and that's simply 0.00035KW per CFM. If you're familiar with parallel fan powered systems in EQEST, you may notice a problem here. The temperature schedule cannot actually be set to this, so we have to go ahead and create a custom schedule for the parallel fan boxes. This is pretty easy.

First, we go to the heating thermostat schedule. There's a day 1 and a day 2. I'm going to click the heating schedule and create another day schedule. Copy an existing component and we're going to call this PIUD1. This number has to be higher than the heating schedule. We're going to increase each one of these red numbers by 1.5 degrees. We're going to do the same thing with day 2. Just click it, create another day schedule, PIUD2. Copy an existing component. These are for the unoccupied days. We could just increase this by 1 degree on unoccupied days.

Now we need to create the week schedule. Here we have the heating schedule. It has the two day types, so we will create another week schedule, PIU week. Copy that. This is day 1. This is day 2. Finally, we have to create the annual schedule so we can select it. Let's just call this PIU schedule. Copy an existing component and we need to select PIU week here.

Let's go back to that zone. Let's edit the user defaults. Now we have the option for PIU schedule. We'll change this as well to the user default of 0.00035. I had already set this up when I paused the video. Set that and we'll see we restore the default here. That value is in blue. We'll restore the default here. That value is in blue now. Now we have this particular zone set up with parallel fan powered boxes. The VAV minimum is a 0.3 ratio and that stays the same as system 5.

We have to propagate this to the rest of the zones. We'll only be able to change the zones in system 1. Let's rename this. We can either double click each zone and change this or we can go into the spreadsheet view. We have to set up a parallel PIU in each one of these systems. Now we have system 1 converted from system 5 into system 6. There are many ways of doing this but that's the basic system set up for system 6 package variable VAV.

We have to make a few changes yet so that it complies completely. The heat source should be not installed and the zone heat source should be electric because system 6 is an electric system. We had these values deleted. Typically for PFP this would be 95 and 40. And the heat source is also electric. Should be no hot water coil. Those values are removed when we select that. It depends on how you created the system since we were converting from VAV those values were automatically brought in.

Now we go to the cooling tab. We have to switch this into electric DX and we set the unitary power the same way that we did in system 5 by finding the EER in table 6.8.1A and taking 3.413 divided by the EER. I can't remember what that value was it was something like 0.31. That's going to depend on the size of your system and the rest of the steps are the same for modeling system 5. And I would refer you to that video rather than repeating the exact same steps again.

One final step that we could do just to make this nice and clean. Go into the water side. And we could delete the boilers that we had from system 5. From here we'd have to go back to the airside systems and we'd have to update the mid floor system and the top floor system to be PI use with parallel fans. And then we would need to apply the changes that we applied in system 5 such as coil oversizing, supply air temperature reset, optimum start and so on. And that would complete our modeling of system 6. Apart from any exceptions or unique requirements such as energy recovery and demand control ventilation.