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Looks like my simulation finished. It worked quite fine to me, it seems. In case you've got any errors, go to show simulation, it will open a new folder for you. As I mentioned to you earlier, this is the directory, like, what it opens for you. I can explain it again, this is my, like, if I go to OpenStudio webinar, that’s where I save my file, OSM file. There is an associated folder, same name, go inside that. Then, if you go to files, then you have an EPW file, which is a weather file. Then you have a measures file. Whatever measures that you provide to your model, we'll see them here, as well. The list, the reports, different kinds of reports, and the run, which is where all these simulation happens, okay. This directory, exactly looked like, similar, it's exactly, it’s not. I won't say exactly, but it looks similar to what you have, even for an IDF EnergyPlus file. If you look for this, eplusout.err file, and open it in Notepad++, that's where you will see all the warnings and errors. In case you find any warning, or any CVA error, or any fatal error, you should totally go through there. At least try to understand them, okay. Very important. In case you find any errors that you don't see on my screen, please write me an email, or you can always comment it out under the video. I'll definitely check, reach back to you as soon as possible, okay. Very important. Simulation is fine. If I click on this results tab in OpenStudio report, you will see those, I mean, this is a calibration report. I'll give you more information on calibration later. Maybe in next class, or next, next, class. In EnergyPlus results summary, you can see, I have all the results. I have total energy consumption, I have total area. And now, you can see, I have some heating numbers. I have natural gas consumption numbers. This electricity is because of package terminal heat pump. This is because of VAV with hot water reheat, cooling, everything, okay. You still don't see any information for water systems because we don't have any domestic hot water consumption, okay. If you scroll down, you have all the information. You have some on-site thermal source energy, you have some air to air heat recovery for cooling and heating energy. It gives you all the information here for heat recovery, as well. You have some time set not met during occupied heating and cooling, unmet load hours. And, if you go through each and every summary here, you will find more information. Let me just go through this real quick for you. You can see the envelope area, window to wall ratio, for each and every orientation. You have condition, conditioned space. Skylight roof area. You have zone summary, which areas condition, multipliers, underground gross wall area versus above-ground wall area. You have all the lighting, people, information, here, the intensities. If you scroll down you have demand use, here. You can see all these numbers on K btuh, okay. This is demand, somebody, not energy consumption. What else do you have? If this keeps falling down you have more information. Let's see, on component sizing. You have DX cooling coil design information. You have for heating, as well. This, like, sizing and all. Your constant volume fan information. I think that's what we have for package terminal heat pumps. We have electric heat coil information for package terminal heat pumps. Now we are talking about VAV reheat boxes, design size maximum flow rate, all other rest of information. Keep scrolling down. The coil heating information, the water heating coil. The air loop information, sizing, adjusted cooling or heating design flow rates. Variable flow rates, here. Available volume, fan flow rates. Controller information. How much is the maximum outdoor air and minimum order air flow rate, here, from each and every controller for all the air loops. The heat exchanger information, the cooling water coil information, sizing and all. Controllers, plant loop information, variable speed pump information. The chiller information, like, what is the design sizing for your chillers, that's the maximum. As I mentioned, these are auto sized, so they are, the load has been divided equally, here. The cooling tower available speed information. Boiler information. The sizing, you can see, three of them are equally divided. And, if you keep scrolling down there is a lot more information. Please go through them. Like, you know, I mean this is, it's a super detailed report. I can't go through each and every of this, but it's a good idea. I gave you enough idea to understand how this report looks like, okay. In case you don't see this report, please let me know. Please give me a comment under this video, okay. Looks like my model worked fine for me. I also wanted to show you some more information in this video. Let's say, if you go to output variables, what information can you bring. Like, you have some possible output valuable information, here. Like, hey, do you want to bring some air system component model simulation coils, yes. And, click on this, your time step information, hourly, daily, or monthly run period, okay. Same with air system outdoor flow rate. It gives you all the hourly information, or time step information, boiler information, chiller information. A lot of time people just turn on all of them, it's not a good choice. Because, what will happen, now your OpenStudio needs to create each and every report on, let's say, on hourly basis. It needs to do a lot of work for you, okay. It needs to report on all their information. I won’t suggest you to turn on all that information for your model. Just select the one which you need for your system, okay. Or, for your energy model. If you go to simulation settings, you can change the run period, date range, let's say, from January 1st to December 31st, that's yearly. You can change it for monthly, as well. If you want do it for particular day, you can change it. Sizing, these are the default values for heating and cooling as per ASHRAE, you can change it. Number of time steps per hour. If it says 6, it means you need to divide one hour by six, that means ten minutes. Your OpenStudio model will run the simulation at a time step of ten minutes. You can change it to hourly, which is what OpenStudio does. If you change to, let's say, 1, then it will be hourly. You can change to 6. I would say the appropriate range is somewhere between 4 to 6, that's what I like to run for my detail energy model. But, for my initial models, I can even learn it on 1 or 2, it should be fine, okay. The radiance parameter information, we did not run any radiance related information. I won't go through this. Simulation controls, do you want do you want to run the simulation based on weather file run periods. If yes, that's what already turned on. You can change the solar distribution to full exterior. If you change to, let's say, full exterior with reflection, the simulation will take more time. I would just keep it to full exterior, for now. Do you want to learn some system sizing calculation? If yes, turn it on. Do zone sizing calculation, keep it on. Program control, you can learn more on this on EnergyPlus documentation. I don't like to change any information, here. The default is empty, which is fine. Tolerance value. Tolerance for time heating set point not met. This is the, what is it, a dead bend, where your, I mean, that's where your set point, or actually, the thermostat clicks when it goes above, or below this value for heating and cooling respectively. For example, if I change, let's say, 2 degrees Celsius Rankine. It means, let's say, if your cooling set point is 75 degrees Celsius, when it goes to 77 degree Celsius. I'm sorry. Let me just explain it again. For heating, let's say your set point temperature is 75 degree Fahrenheit. When it reaches 75 degree Fahrenheit, it stops sucking the air from your air loops. But, when it goes down to 73, the 2 degree difference, that's when you're heating starts again. Same thing with cooling. Let's say, if you're cooling set point is, again, 70 degree Fahrenheit, it starts the cooling again only when it reaches 70 plus 2, which means 72 degrees Fahrenheit, okay. Make sure that you change these values. These are the in Rankin. 1 Rankin is equal to 1 Celsius. If you want to change it to Fahrenheit, which means, 1 Celsius, it's somewhere around 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. You can make your judgment here by yourself, okay. Like, that's 2 degree Rankin, which seems fine to me. Convergence limit, these are HVAC iterations, maximum plant iterations. If you don't know these values, just keep them default. If you want to read more on them, EnergyPlus documentation is there. Shadow calculation, again, these are default values, just keep them. The rest of them, I won't go through all of them. I would just suggest you to keep the default ones, okay. Carbon dioxide concentrations and all, I don't think you go, you need to go into that much detail. In this intro course we won't even cover these things. But again, you always have that EnergyPlus input outdoor reference guide to get more information. You can always go to unmethours.com, to ask more questions, okay. There's one other resource, if I never told you, you can always ask a question, okay. This is all about the settings. I'm going to save the model, again, before I stop this video, okay. Thank you.