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Has anyone else had experience with eQUEST freezing up while using the
new zone naming feature (see attached) in the wizard mode? This is a
great feature, but I've had it lock up on me several times now (this is
the first model I've been able to use it). It tends to freeze after I've
named quite a few zones, which leaves me doing substantial
rework...Sometimes I can name 20 zones without it locking, but other
times it locks on the second or third.

I could not repeat this on a coworkers computer.

I'm on a WinXP machine with plenty of system resources. I only had
Outlook and Chrome running (as well as the "standard" processes), so it
shouldn't be a memory issue (I think). My task manager shows the program
floats between 48-50% of the cpu when it's locked. The rest of the
computer can be used normally.

If it hasn't happened to you, this is just another reminder to
consistently save your work :-)




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Joined: 2011-09-30
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