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I hope someone can help me. I am getting CAUTION messages ? In curve: Variable Speed Drive FPLR the dependent value is exceeding the limits. Etc.,?

The first one (my attempt at modeling the baseline without WSE that I enquired about earlier) used all eQIUEST defaults for the bldg type ?High-Tech & Bio-Tech?. The Misc-Eqp was changed to 5 watts/sf. The attached eQ inp-pd2 files are in Detailed-Edit. There were about 20 pages of ?curve? CAUTION messages.

The second is for a hotel bldg. The attached eQ inp-pd2 files are In Design-Development. You can view them in DD. Except for minor changes, the input for all Shells used eQ defaults. The component names (schedules, spaces, zones, etc) are also eQ defaults. There were about 2000 pages of ?curve? CAUTION messages.

The third is for an office bldg.
In Run-1, except for changing the component names, the input for all Shells used eQ defaults. There were about 2000 pages of ?curve? CAUTION messages. No WARNING messages
Run-2 used OA-FROM-SYSTEM. There were several WARNING regarding heat capacity and the CAUTION messages of Run-1.
I have attached (1) the eQ inp & pd2 files ; (2) the CAUTION & WARNING messages; and (3) the project descriptions of all the examples.



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