LEED review comments

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Hello eQuest Users!
I realize that this is an eQuest users forum and not necessarily a LEED help forum but from reading past posts it sound like many of you have quite a few LEED projects under your belts and I could really use some advice/help. I just received my first EAc1 LEED review back and there are 16 comments. Is that normal? I want to make sure that I understand how eQuest is working for a few of these comments so that I can answer them completely and correctly.

so here are my review comment/questions:

1. "The Proposed windows were modeled with a U-value of 0.29, which does not appear to account for the impact of the window frames on the whole assembly as required by ASHRAE modeling protocol."
* The U-Value of 0.29 is indeed the center of glass U-Value however I included frame conductance and frame width in the model.
* Is that enough to account for the "whole assembly" U-Value?
* or do I need to find a published whole assembly U-Value for the specified window?
* If I do need the whole assembly U-Value, then should I remove the frame information from the model?
2. "Please confirm that the energy consumption attributed to "Area Lights" on Table 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 represents internal lighting energy consumption and demand or provide a narrative describing any alternative uses."
* the area lights information came from the "Ambient Lights" column of the Annual Enduse Summary... so I would say yes, it represents the lighting energy consumption and demand. Right?
3. "Please provide a narrative to describe the end use for the modeled "Pumps & Auxiliary" as shown on Table 1.8.1 and 1.8.2"
* I have not been able to figure out exactly what is contributing to this load (besides the pumps of course). What, according to eQuest, is considered "Auxiliary"?

I think that is it for now... I'm sure as I start making adjustments that I will have additional questions. (The building runs off of a central chiller plant so I've used the "Required Treatment of District Thermal Energy in LEED-NC version 2.2" document as a guideline and haven't quite wrapped my head around the comments related to that)

I know that one of the first things you might ask is to see my .inp and .pd2 files... unfortunately it is for a confidential client and I am unable to share that information.

One more quick thing... Although I do not regularly contribute to the forum I try to read all of the threads as they come through (admittedly, I'm a little behind right now). It is comforting to know that I am not the only one having issues with energy modeling and eQuest. It is also comforting knowing that I can ask you questions and I don't have to bang my head against a wall trying to figure it all out on my own! so, thanks in advance for the help!!!!

Heather Hardie-Hill

Heather.Hardie-Hill at CH2M.com's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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