Reheat/preheat/heating help

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I have a constant volume VAV system with a preheat coil, no heating coil,
and reheat box at the terminal. The preheat is steam and the reheat is hot
water. I am looking for verification on the way i set this up in the
model. I set the heating capacity to 0 on the system level and entered in a
preheat coil under the preheat/baseboard tab. Also under the preheat tab, i
entered my capacity and leaving air temp (50deg). On the coil cap/control
tab i have entered my zone entering max supply temp = 87 deg, thats the temp
i want the reheats to go up to. Then under each separate VAV zone, i
entered the reheat capacity under the Maximum Heating Rate.

Let me know if i confused anyone or need to send pictures or files.

Rob Hudson

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