FW: [Bldg-sim] Discomfort hrs

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Are you modeling the baseline according to Appendix G? If so, and you
are using PSZ, you should have one system per zone. If you are already
modeling one system per zone you should not be getting high unmet hours
if you let eQUEST do the autosizing.

If you are trying to model a PSZ with multiple zones assigned to it, you
can do a few things to reduce the unmet hours. As Carol and Rob suggest,
you can remove the heating and cooling schedules to unconditioned zones.
You should not do this for conditioned zones (zones that you want to
keep within a certain temperature range) because you will be letting the
temperatures float. Your unmet hours will go away but the virtual people
in those zones will be calling their virtual landlords complaining about
being too hot or too cold.

To reduce unmet hours when multiple zones are assigned to a PSZ, try the
1.) change the control zone (try assigning to the zone with most
unmet hours first)
2.) increase/decrease people/lighting/misc loads in the trouble
zones (and copy the values to the proposed model to keep them identical)
3.) change some interior walls to "air walls" (and copy into the
proposed model)
4.) increase the supply air flow rate to individual zones,
especially if they are undercooled


William Bishop, EIT, BEMP, LEED(r) AP

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