eQUEST: .FMT to .BIN weather conversion

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Happy holidays to everyone on the board!

I'm in the process of converting actual weather data for an M&V model
calibration...In order to get the doe2 weather utility TXT2BIN to work,
I know you first create the custom .FMT file from a .CSV file...when I
look at a standard .FMT file created from a standard .BIN file, lines
4-8764 are pretty self-explanatory as those are the 17 columns of data
that a .BIN file requires for each hour of the year...my question is,
what are the numbers found in lines 1-3 of the .FMT file?? Here's an
example for the Chicago, IL .BIN converted to .FMT...

Lines 1-3 of .FMT:

Chicago IL TMY2 1968 41.78 87.75 6 5

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

500.0 496.2 495.9 497.7 505.1 512.4 518.8 522.8 523.2 519.9 513.7 506.6

Line 1 numbers 41.78 and 87.75 are lat/lon, but what is the significance
of 6 & 5?

Line 2 doesn't matter as it's all 1.00 values.

Line 3...I got nothing...anyone?

I ask only because I'm curious if these numbers mean anything and if I
can just copy these 3 default lines for the Chicago weather file into my
custom .FMT file?

Any insight would be great...thanks!

Josh Greenfield, PE , REP

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