Dear all,
I am trying to understand the best way to enter the U value of my
fenestrations as a whole system. The manufacturer specified the U value
of the glazing as 0.49 BTU/hr?ft2?F and the aluminium framing as 0.70
BTU/hr?ft2?F. I do not have the NFRC data of my fenestration.
I can enter the properties of the glazing however I couldn't find a way
to define the thermal properties of the aluminium framing. I have also
checked the detailed mode screens.
The dimensions of the fenestration varies in different locations. So
what is the best way to calculate and enter the U-factor for the overall
fenestration area (including glazing and framing)?
My aim is making my simulation as accurate as possible since I want to
compare the results with actual values.
Thanks in advance.