Glazing envelope

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Hi everyone,

First of all, I want to say thanks? for all your useful help, secondly I
have another doubt, In my project the building envelope is a double glazing
tilt wall, I?m using as construction for the envelope a material with the
same u value specified for the glass contractor, but I?m not using windows,
this procedure can affects the results in energy consumption, cooling temps,
etc?, third, the values that I had are big? As is my first model I?m full of
doubts!!. The values that I?m obtaining are:

My project is as follows: 2 underground parking 180.000sft, first ground
floor commercial 50.000 sft, and the fourth stories above are office open
plan 70.000 sft each, the target certification level is LEED CS gold, this
is my BEPS report, but I don?t have a clearly Idea if my results are so big
or what.

Thanks again for all your comments, any suggestion or comment will be
appreciated, best regards.


Andr?s Franco U.

Andres Franco Usme MicroCAD S.A.S's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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