Review Comment - Equipment capacities for the Proposed

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Dear all,

I have received the following LEED design review:

"Mechanical drawings with equipment schedules (M-04, M-05, and M-06)
with the heating and cooling pumps, boiler, chiller, and cooling tower
schedules have been provided. However, the scheduled flows and
capacities are inconsistent with those reported in the Table 1.4.3 in
the spreadsheet.

Please revise the Proposed model to reflect the design conditions
(including all capacities, flows, controls, and setpoints), revise the
form and spreadsheet as required to reflect any changes, and provide
reports or screen captures to confirm the changes made."

My impression was that we don't have to enter the capacities / flows (as
per the Mechanical design) in eQUEST, as the program automatically
calculates/sizes these.

The reviewer noticed an inconsistency between Table 1.4.3 (whereby I
filled in the equipment capacities & loop flows from the eQUEST
Simulation Output reports) and the Mechanical schedules.

Shall I rerun my simulations with whatever capacities/schedules provided
by the Mechanical Engineers?



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on Green Building & LEED GA Training in November.

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Omar Katanani

Omar Katanani's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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