Controlling heating with outdoor temperature

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Hi All,

My boss wants me to model a large AHU as a space by itself. Our client
is running the heating loop at night (when it's below 40F), despite the
fans being off. There is also a very leaky damper allowing fresh air in
to the space. (I've got no cooling, and a fan mimicking the leaky
damper). It's a wasteful practice, but we're trying to quantify How
wasteful it is.

My question is:

Is there a way to have the heating turn on/off based on an outdoor

Since I couldn't find a way, I created a dummy zone with only
ventilation and no heating - but I still couldn't figure out a way to
use the temperature in the dummy zone to control the main zone. The
only way I could think of was Pkgd Single Zone, but that added cooling
and a condenser that I couldn't get rid of.

Anyway, Thanks for the help. If I'm going about this the wrong way, I'd
appreciate any feedback.

Thank you.

Katherine Louman-Gardiner, EIT

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