It would be greatly appreciated if someone would provide some advice on
how to create a user input expression. In order to easily manipulate
the percent glass of a building in the detailed interface, I would like
to create an expression that sets window width based on a global
parameter for percent glass I created. To accomplish this, I right
click on the width input cell and select "Edit/View User Expression...",
then enter the following code I came up with based on what I have been
reading in the DOE-2 help files.
PARAMETER("East Wall Percent Glass")) /
This does not work. Below are the errors that the above expression
Expression Parsing Error: Invalid BDL Keyword Function Argument
Expression Parsing Error: Invalid BDL Keyword Function Argument
Expression Parsing Error: Invalid BDL Keyword Function Argument
I have tried several variations of this expression with no luck.
Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide.