VAV zone/Daylighting/DCV questions...

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eQuest Newbie question 1...When creating a building in eQuest that is
served by VAV and Fan-Powered Boxes, is it suggested that I create a
'zone' (using the wizard) for every single zone in the building that is
served by an individual VAV or FPB or should the zones be based purely
on similar exposures??

eQuest Newbie question 2...In the detailed edit mode, can I just have
one zone have daylight lighting controls while the other zones in the
system have generic lighting controls? If so, how and where do I do

eQuest Newbie question 3...In the detailed edit mode also, can I just
have one zone have Demand Control Ventilation while the other zones in
the system have a constant minimum OA value? If so, how and where do I
do that?

josh.greenfield's picture
Joined: 2011-02-17
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