Webinar: Weather Data in Building Performance Modeling

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You are invited to join us for a free webinar on critical aspects of simulation weather data, with presentations from experts Dru Crawley, Joe Huang, and Andy Tindale on July 13th.

With growing concerns over the progressive impacts of climate change, access to appropriate high quality weather data is an increasingly important consideration for building performance modelers. In this virtual round table discussion, a distinguished panel of experts with a wealth of experience in weather data will convene to explore the subject and share their insights with you. Our panel of experts are:

* Dru Crawley - Director of Building Performance Research at Bentley Systems, ASHRAE Director-At-Large, and current IBPSA President.
* Joe Huang - President, founder, and co-owner of White Box Technologies.
* Andy Tindale - Chair and co-founder of DesignBuilder Software

The webinar will include a presentation from each of our experts on different aspects of weather data, plus an opportunity to explore other key areas. I'll be asking Dru, Joe, and Andy questions on topics such as the evolution of weather data, future climate, data quality issues, weather data sources, and matching the type of data to the application.

You can register to either attend the live webinar on July 13th, or to receive a recording here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/390135744635018840?source=Bldg-Sim

With best wishes,

David Cocking
Managing Director I Tel: +44 (0)1453 755500 I david.cocking at designbuilder.co.uk

DesignBuilder Software Ltd, Stroud House, Russell Street, Glos, GL5 3AN

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Joined: 2014-04-09
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