Webinar this Thursday: sensitivity analysis for faster and simpler building performance optimisation

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DesignBuilder's next free webinar on June 20th will cover another important application of our new Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis tools, which is to speed up and simplify design optimisation analyses. The webinar will explain how DesignBuilder Sensitivity Analysis tools can be used to identify the most influential aspects of a building design in the context of energy and environmental performance. That information can be used to help you be more selective (and confident) about which variables to focus on, which in turn helps you to reduce the number of simulations and more quickly and easily identify the optimal solutions.

The webinar will also show how custom scripts can be used to add significant capability and flexibility to your optimisation workflow.

The webinar will be recorded so if you are unable to attend the live event please register anyway and we'll send you a link to the recording after the event. Register for your free place here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1280301425449408268


David Cocking
Director I Tel: +44 (0)1453 755500 I david.cocking at designbuilder.co.uk

DesignBuilder Software Ltd, 1st Floor, Clarendon Court, 54-56 London Rd, Stroud, GL5 2AD

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