Weather info Download issues

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Having some issues getting Weather data to download in eQuest.

Program installs and launches fine.

If we try to download weather data we get an error stating "Failed to receive a valid HTTP response from the server".

If we manually download the weather data it downloads successfully and we can manually import the data in eQuest.

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has some ideas of how we can get it working successfully.

F.Y.I. eQuest is running on a Windows10 laptop, 64Gb memory, 512 SSD, Corei7, Dedicated graphics.


Cory Pierce
Director of Information Technology
Associate Principal

o 402.477.9291
e cory.pierce at

1010 Lincoln Mall, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508-2883

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Joined: 2022-06-03
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