[TRNSYS-users] Radiation processor results for a vertical surface using horizontal pyranometer irradiation data

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I am working on a simple model that consists of a radiation data import, a
radiation processor, and an output to calculate irradiation on N, S, E, and
W surfaces. Currently, the model is set to use the isotropic sky model, but
I hope to get it working with the perez model. The results are all over the
place and not correct. Are there surface tilt constraints on these models
as they are programmed in TRNSYS?

I have attached my .tpf file as well as the data file it read in. If they
don't come through to the users list, please email me if you would like to
take a look at them and I will send them to you. My email is below.


Lucas Witmer
PhD Student, Energy and Mineral Engineering
LTW110 at psu.edu

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Joined: 2016-04-05
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