Toilet and Parking Exhaust

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Dear all,

I was wondering what is the best way to model exhaust fans in the school toilets. I read some of the forum emails and what I'm doing now is that I select the space type of the bathroom to be "plenum". Then go to "Outdoor Air" tab and specify the flow in the exhaust "Flow" input box, then specify the kW/CFM. I did so but didn't notice a change in the ventilation fans consumption or in any other consumption.

1) Can someone show me how I can see this? I have like 10 toilets or so, and their effect can't be that negligible!

I have an underground parking with a supply fan and an exhaust fan (but no heating or cooling). I obviously couldn't specify the zone type to "Plenum" because then I won't be able to edit the supply rate. I put the zone type to "Conditioned", and specified the maximum cooling/heating rates of the parking to be 0 Btu/hr. I had an increase in the ventilation fans consumption (due to the 30,000CFM of supply/exhaust in the parking).

The problem is that I had a huge amount of additional cooling consumption! I do not want to cool the air in the parking.

2) What should I modify in order to have only ventilation in the parking without cooling?

I attach the files in this email, in case someone wishes to check them!

PS: for the Unmet hours problem I had before, I was able to solve it by looking into the Quality Control Report, then checking which zones had excessive under-cooling. I increased the air supply flow rate for these zones, and the problem is all fixed :D

Many thanks,

Omar Katanani

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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