Title-24 in our eQuest workflow.

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Hello All,
I am struggling to iron out the workflow with my group as far as MEP design and compliance documentation. We do design, high performance - sustainable modeling and compliance documentation for M, E and P.

1) eQuest Title-24 documentation has a LARGE HOLE. The lighting, LTG, forms are not filled out by the software completely. This is specifically related to the lighting schedule and controls credit worksheets. In EnergyPro, controls credits are picked from a list in the software depending on the application. The associated credit is listed on the credit worksheet by room. eQuest has no drop down. You enter a credit amount (ie 0.2 w/SF) on the compliance tab. I merely prints a blank line on the form for you fill out "by hand"! Are we cave men?

2) How do others (I hope you are out there!!) deal with this workflow?

Kind Regards,

Andrew Reilman, P.E., LEED? AP

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