Thermal Storage

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This is a re-peat question but I have not received an answer or

I am having problems modeling an ice storage system. The cost reduction
savings seem realistic when I model ice storage but the cooling load
decreases by roughly 33% and pump energy also decreases by 25% when ice
storage is added. The cooling load should be slightly smaller because
the chiller is more efficient at night but not by 1/3. The pump energy
should not decrease by 25%.

The cost savings are nearly identical to what CALMAC's cost savings
spreadsheet calculates.

If anyone has had success modeling ice storage please let me know.

If anyone knows how to subtract a lump sum of electrical cost from
eQUEST please let me know so I can use CALMAC's spreadsheet and simply
subtract the savings from the electrical cost and label it "Thermal
Storage Savings".


Otto Schwieterman

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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