system mapping in ASHRAE

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Hi All,
A general question on system mapping and definition of building in

I am doing an energy model for a project which has got 5 individual
buildings of different heights and conditioned area.My question is while
selecting the "Baseline HVAC system type" as per table G3.1.1.A of ASHRAE
90.1 2004, do we need to take all buildings together or we need to do system
mapping for individual buildings. Similarly while selecting the :Type and
Number of Chillers" for baseline as per table G3.1.3.7 is the building
conditioned floor area is the total project conditioned area or of
individual building conditioned area.So when you have multiple buildings in
a project you prepare individual model for each building or a combined model
for the whole project.

As per my understanding while doing the HVAC system mapping we need to do
the same for individual buildings and for chillers we need to take
conditioned area for the buildings where the system mapping shows cooling
type as "Chilled Water".

Thanks in advance

Gurneet Singh

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