Supply Fan Power

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I have received following comment:

Supporting documentation provided includes Proposed System (VRV)
specification sheets. Additionally, the narrative reports modeling
efficiency for System Type 6 as per Table 6.8.1A. Further, narrative
document ?Energy simulation report? reports Baseline system with 2.78 COP.

However, as per section G3.1.2.1, Baseline Case System cooling efficiency
has not been appropriately broken out from fan power. Further, for Baseline
system, there appears to be no narrative confirming cooling efficiency has
been appropriately broken out from fan power. Please note, for Baseline
System, as per section G3.1.2.1 ?where efficiency ratings, such as EER and
COP, include fan energy, the descriptor shall be broken down into its
components so that supply fan energy can be modeled separately.? Since the
efficiency ratings are calculated at ARI?rated conditions, the fans should
also be broken out at ARI?rated conditions.

Can someone guide me on how to break down supply fan power? In that case,
what would be my baseline system COP?

Rakesh Desai

rakeshdesai at's picture
Joined: 2012-01-19
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