su2ds -- Sketchup plug-in for Daysim analysis

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Hi all;

Su2ds is a Sketchup plug-in that's been developed to facilitate the analysis
of Sketchup geometry using Daysim. The plug-in allows users to specify all
of the model information necessary to conduct a Daysim analysis and display
the results of that analysis, all within Sketchup.

It can be downloaded, for free, here:

A small manual describing the plug-in's use can also be found at the above

This the first public release of the plug-in and because of that (and my
amateurish programming skills) the software likely has bugs. If you find
any, you can report them in the "issues" section of the website, or email me
at jkjenner (at) As well, I would appreciate any
suggestions or comments anyone has on the plug-in (or manual) in general.


Josh Kjenner, P.Eng., LEED AP

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Joined: 2011-10-01
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