Still cannot display eQuest 3-D rendering

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Once again, I have a new desktop computer. My old machine was a 32 bit job, 1 gB memory, and Windows xP. Unless the file was extraordinarily large, i could show the 3-D image FINE, both eQuest 3.64 or 3.65.

Now I have anew machine, Windows 7, 4 gB memory, and 64 bits. All eQuest functions work perfectly, 3.64 and 3.65 (well, maybe not so perfectly on 3.65).

But the point is I get the 2-D, but cannot get the 3-D.

I have:

1) Re-installed both programs.
2) Increased my Virtual memory 8 gB
3) Tried to remake the Windows xP environment.

Nothing has worked.

Has anyone had a graphics card issue for 64 bit machines??


John R. Aulbach, PE

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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