Statistical Information on Energy Software Usage:Need your help

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I am conducting a research on how to interoperate a BIM model with energy simulation software and need to know the statistical information of what kind of energy software, methods and/or options that your companies/organization used in performing the following works or tasks;
1. Depend on the building's location,type,and size what energy software that your companies/organization use to model and simulate for Federal and State Energy Code Compliance and for LEED Certification? (for example DOE2.1E, DOE2.2, EnergyPlus, TRNSYS, eQUEST, VisualDOE, EnergyPro, TRACE700, HAP4.0, ESP-r and Apache/IESVE etc).
2. Did your companies/organization use energy cost savings methods software to increase the percent energy savings for LEED Certification? If answer is yes what are they (for example PV, GSHP, UFAD, TES, etc.) Did your companies/organization use the energy cost savings options modeled with the Energy Analysis Programs?If answer is yes what are they.
I would certainly appreciate your information.Many Thanks.
Pongsak Chaisuparasmikul, Ph.D,

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