Please excuse the cross-postings...
The deadlines for student scholarships and the student poster competition
have been extended until June 26!!
Also, a clarification:
Registration fees will be waived for all scholarship winners.
* Up to $500 to offset transportation, housing costs
* Registration fees waived!
* All you need is a resume and a faculty member to put in a good word
* NEW Deadline -- Thursday, June 26
* Apply on-line at:
* Win cash prizes of $1000, $500, or $250
* All you need is a brief abstract of what your poster will be about
* NEW Deadline -- Thursday, June 26
* Apply on-line at:
SimBuild 2008
IBPSA-USA will hold its third national conference from July 30 to August 1,
2008 on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley. The format
will be similar to the two previous SimBuild conferences held at the
University of Colorado at Boulder in 2004 and at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 2006.
The meeting is open to all, world-wide. Being near San Francisco, Berkeley
is a convenient destination for travelers from major cities in the U.S. and
in many other countries. U.C. Berkeley is the oldest campus of the
University of California system, which also operates the well-known
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Lawrence Hall of Science, the
Space Sciences Laboratory, and the U.C. Botanical Garden. The city of
Berkeley contains a variety of neighborhoods with diverse character and
excellent restaurants. The "Bay Area" is full of visitor attractions
accessible within 20 minutes, such as the city of San Francisco, scenic
mountains, and rich architecture (including the Frank Lloyd Wright Civic
Center). Numerous wineries are within one hour travel to the Napa and
Sonoma valleys, where wine-tasting tours are available.
We look forward to welcoming you to Berkeley!
Philip Haves, Conference Chair
Larry Degelman, Scientific Committee Co-Chair
Michael Wetter, Scientific Committee Co-Chair