Simulation Error - Abnormal simulation results detected

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Hi eQuest-users,

I've lurked here for a while learning from many of you, and am hoping this group's collective experience can help get me out of this pickle.

First off, I'm modeling in eQuest 3.65 7175 - DOE 2.3.

The error I'm getting reads as such from the output report:

Abnormal simulation results detected. Please
send this input and weather file to program developers.
MsgBomb call argument: 2010 12-7 1/ 1/ 2 HDD

Abnormal simulation results detected. Please
send this input and weather file to program developers.
MsgBomb call argument: 2010 12-7 1/ 1/ 2 Hol

I believe it has something to do with the heating design day, or the fan schedule, but everything I've tried as far as troubleshooting hasn't gotten my any further to being able to simulate the model.

This same error was once discussed here before, but this modeler's solution doesn't work the same on my model. This modeler suggests changing the fan schedule from ON/OFF/FLAG to ON/OFF which alone does not solve my sim error.

Attached is a zipped folder with the .inp, .pd2, .bdl, and tmy3 file.

Thank you, and god bless!
Ethan Seaman
Sustainable Design Analyst
1000 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138
t: 617.520.9288
eseaman at
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