Calibrating the Energy Model

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I am tasked with calibrating my energy model in Trace 700 to existing utility data. We have been successful in getting the correct weather data (only calibrating to the actual weather year of 2012) and have achieved the correct basic profile shape. We are looking at electric, purchased hot water, and purchased chilled water (it's a campus loop system). Chilled water is almost spot on, but hot water and electric have significant offsets.

We are focusing on the hot water side for now. In summer, actual data show some but very little usage (700-1000 therms in June through August) but our model shows no usage in this months. We must be missing reheat in there somewhere is our thought, but not sure where since we've accounted for all equipment.

Does anyone have experience fixing issues like this or calibrating models in general? (See pics and Trace file for additional info.)

On a separate note, I realize there was recently a webinar on the 7 steps for calibrating models. Did anyone attend and is it worth the $200 to buy it?

Thanks for your help,


Hot Water Comparison
Electric Use Comparison
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