Radiant slab Heating Cooling

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Good Morning everyone,

I have been reading through the archives for modeling radiant slab heating
and cooling.

Most popular and the closest to real world approach I found was using a 4
pipe fan coil unit and making the fan energy zero.

I still have following questions:

? Did anyone think of using a factor, which when multiplied to the
energy usage by fan coil system, give us the actual energy usage by radiant
system. (I would guess it would be <1)

? As radiant heating and cooling forms a stratification layer in
the space. And we care about first 6-8 feet to be within desired
temperature range. So to take that into account while modeling ?it? as fan
coil unit, can we lower the ceiling height. Does that mean the conduction
load from ceiling/roof or the wall above 6-8 feet doesn?t count ?

? The temperature range for heating water (95F-105F) and cooling
water (55F-65F) pumped in the radiant system is different from the typical
chilled water (44F-45F) and heating water (170F-180F). How do we make sure
our model reflects this while using fan coil unit.

I am sure there are more questions you would have come across but these
were some of my major concerns and I would appreciate any inputs/

PS: This is a aspiring LEED platinum building.

Thanks and Best Regards,


Varun Kulkarni

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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