[Radiance-general] Updated Radiance Installers Available

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Hi German,

Yes, gendaymtx is in the HEAD, the installers in the NREL site are based on the HEAD as of Thursday of last week, I believe. And no, the GPU dctimestep is not needed for this to work (nor is that version of dctimestep in HEAD). Nope, gendaymtx works with all the standard Radiance tools. You simply need a weather file formatted the way it wants, which is the same format as a DAYSIM weather file. Andy McNeil notes that DAYSIM has a tool to convert the EnergyPlus weather file format (.epw) to the DAYSIM format. OpenStudio will be modified to automatically provide gendaymtx with the epw data in the format it expects. I noticed that gendaymtx also accepts weather data from STDIN, and that there is an option to feed it less than a full year (8760) of data. We will leverage this ability in OpenStudio for sure, as well.

Exciting times!

Rob Guglielmetti

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