pre-built EnergyPlus 8.8 for 32bit and 64bit ARM processors

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As part of a long-term study on how building simulation suites run on different computer
types I compile-from-scratch EnergyPlus on a suite of ARM processors. These single board
computers have proven more than adequate for not-huge models (e.g. any of the
testing models that are distributed with EnergyPlus) using CTF. You need
a longer coffee-break for the Finite Difference solver if you are pushing past
a few hundred surfaces.

As there is no downloaded pre-build from the usual sources for ARM I built-from-scratch
(not difficult but there are a few unpublished tricks needed for any newer Linux
and you need quite a bit of swop space to support compilation).

Below is a link to a compressed tar file for 32bit ARM processors - e.g. the popular Raspberry Pi3
claims to be 64bit but almost all the operating systems for it are 32bit. This was
compiled on a Raspberry Pi3 running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS so should work on most
similar devices.

The other link is for AArch64 such as the Pine64 and Odroids. To use it place the
*.xz file in your /opt folder and use a sudo tar xfJ
to extract it.
You could also unxz
and then tar xf

You will have to add the usual EPP environment variables to your .profile file.

Enjoy..... -Jon Hand, Glasgow Scotland

RasPi3 version:

AArch64 version:

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Joined: 2011-10-02
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