PhD program in Sustainable Energy and Technologies - Public Announcement

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Dear Colleagues,

This is to inform you of the forthcoming deadline for the application for positions in the PhD Program in Sustainable Energy and Technology at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
The PhD program is focused on the sustainability in the energy production and use and in the technology development, design and applications.
The main research topics are: building physics and building performance simulation, renewable energy and biomass to energy processes, simulation and integrated energy systems for urban areas, energy efficiency in final uses, green mechatronics, development of new materials, mechanical design and manufacturing, logistics and processes management for sustainability.

The program lasts three years and its official language is English. Candidates preferable background is in the area of Engineering and Architecture.
Research projects in collaboration with international research centers and universities are highly encouraged and students are required to spend a period of at least three months abroad by some partner institutions. In this respect, we want to express our gratitude for their supportive presence to the colleagues and experts in IBPSA who have been contributing in these years to the success of the Study Program with their participation in the study council, with their hospitality for our students, and with their advice.

Potentially interested candidates can find the public announcement here: at the weblink PhD programme in Sustainable Energy and Technologies
For the cycle starting in November 2014, applications have to be submitted on-line by August, 29th 2014:
Scholarships are available for the first 8 positions in the final rank list.
For more details and questions:
PhD_Fast at

Thanks a lot!
Best regards,

Andrea Gasparella

Associate Professor of Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer
Faculty of Science and Technology
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Piazza Universit? 5
39100 Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)

Gasparella Andrea(P)'s picture
Joined: 2013-09-10
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