Parametric runs and user expressions

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Is there a way to implement the following::

- Use a user expression to set a global parameter's value?
ex: define a parameter which refers to another one:

- Use a user expression in a parametric run component?
Ex: I would like to set one keyword to refer to a global parameter

- In parametric runs, reset values to be default values? Or at least
specify the "unused" keyword?


Side note: this is pretty weird, but if you have a UVT with HEAT SOURCE
being electricity, it stills include some furnace losses, exactly 800 BTU/H
(on your fuel meter) which is the DOE default.
I found this because I've got one example where I have a UVT which Heat
source is a furnace in my baseline, and it's actually electric in my
proposed model.
In my baseline, I have defined a user default for the FURNACE-AUX to be 0
BTU/H (no pilot light consumption). This 0 BTU/H value stays once I change
heat source to electricity, and gives me a lower gas consumption that I
would get if I manually restore FURNACE-AUX to be DOE default (which
displays "n/a")).

Julien Marrec, EBCP, BPI MFBA
Energy&Sustainability Engineer
T: +33 6 95 14 42 13

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