Open Positions in Modelica and FMI for building energy and control systems

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The Building Technologies and Urban Systems Division has openings for
Postdoctoral Fellows and Principal Scientific Engineering Associates. The
candidate will conduct research, as well as develop and deploy new
generation modeling tools for building design and operation based on the
Modelica and FMI standards. The immediate tasks will be to contribute to
research, development and implementation of a building controls design,
verification and commissioning tool based on the Modelica language. This
includes its integration in OpenStudio and research in how to extend and
apply these computing technologies to support research in the redesign of
EnergyPlus to base its computing core and its HVAC and control simulation
on Modelica.

The candidate is also expected to contribute to growing opportunities for
model-based district heating and cooling analysis, design and optimization.
The candidate will work closely with industry to develop technologies for
buildings that increase energy efficiency, and improve the comfort, health,
and safety of building occupants.

The posting shall remain open until the position is filled, however for
full consideration, please apply by close of business on October 12, 2016.

To apply, visit the links below:

Post-doctoral position

Principal Scientific Engineer Associate

All the best,

Michael Wetter

Bldg simulation's picture
Joined: 2016-04-13
Reputation: 600