Occupancy loads of a typical American typical family in a small container house

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Hello all,
I am simulating a small container house (22'x 18'x 8', two bedrooms, one bathroom, one living room and one kitchen) for a single western life-style family of 2 adults and 2 children. I am already done with the envelope and HVAC but now I am not sure how to proceed in applying typical occupancy loads in the house, only electric appliances by the way.
Does anyone know how can I build a typical hourly usage of this particular family in this particular small container house? I need a 24h-usage curve and 8760h-annual hourly usage data. With all these patterns, I could customize options and apply in the softwares.
This is kinda a lot to ask but I just wanted any ideas and a help please to know how and where to start. Anything is welcome.
Thank you.


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