new to equest

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I am new to eQuest and DOE 2. I have read through the introductory tutorial and tried to input a LEED project I am currently working on using Schematic Development, and the results were sub par. The building is being modeled in REVIT so my company installed Green Building Studio GBS to extract the model to an INP format to be imported into eQuest. eQuest imports the model just fine, I am trying to refine the model in eQuest and am having difficulties to say the least. I assume that I need to use Detailed Interface to continue in my modeling, but lack knowledge. The introductory tutorial reads "Detailed Interface is beyond the scope of this introductory tutorial." My question to you is, are there any more advanced tutorials available? Is there any way to change all exterior walls to a certian type without having to go into each and evety exterior wall? Any suggestions are most appreciated


Mike Morgan, E.I.

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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