Needed: eQuest Training!!!

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Hello All,

We administer various demand side management programs for utilities and
occasionally struggle with eQuest on a elementary level.

We'd like to find someone who is unofficially qualified to train others
as a result of them using the program successfully on a regular daily,
ongoing basis.

These are some of our challenges:

* Obtaining a battery of templates for different buildings that
provide a "stable" starting place for the model.
* Anything to help successfully model hydronic systems that we see
a lot of here in New England.
* Group training for everyone to get on the same page.

We are considering one well planned 4 hour session or possibly a set of
4 hour sessions.

Any suggestions?

What might we be looking at for compensation?

Thank you,

James F. McCarthy, LEED AP

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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