I?m re-posting this to the group because:
1. I never saw it come through on the mailing list and
2. I?ve been having e-mail problems, and it?s possible the original never
got through.
I apologize if anyone is seeing this twice.
Steve Samenski, LEED AP
------ Forwarded Message
From: Steve Samenski
Subject: Missing Single Run Reports
This post is intended to describe how to correct the problem of missing
Project / Runs and Single Run Reports in eQUEST. The problem looks like
this: You perform a simulation and everything seems to run fine, but when
you select the "View Summary Results / Reports. . .", you get blank pages.
If you select the "Project / Runs" tab in the lower left hand corner of the
screen, you get a blank project tree. This appears to be the same problem
described in these two posts:
I asked Scott Criswell how to fix this. (Our correspondence is included
below in case my summary leaves out some important aspect.)
When eQUEST tries to display the reports, it looks for the project's ".pdh"
file to populate the projects list. It can only find the .pdh if it's
located in one of the following places:
C:\Program Files\eQUEST v3-xx\Projects
v3-xx Projects
Anything other than those two and eQuest can?t find the pdh files, thus,
blank reports. Move the project files back into one of these file
structures and you're fine.
In effect, this seems to require that project files be stored on the "C:\"
drive. If located on a network drive you're out of luck. (Disclaimer, I
run eQUEST on a virtual PC inside a Macintosh. I don't understand the finer
points of Windows directory structures. If you can improve on this summary,
by all means please do so.)
Below is my correspondence with Scott Criswell: