LEED v4 - Commercial Interiors Energy Model Questions

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Further to this discussion, I have a couple of question about LEED v4 CI modeling:

1. To confirm, the baseline building is to be modeled based on 90.1-2010, Appendix G, Table G3.1(5) a-e and not f. In my case, the building is a heritage building with a poor envelope. As I understand it, this will be compared with a baseline with a good envelope, based on the 90.1-2010 requirements.

2. The existing building is core & shell. The CI portion makes up about 75% of the building. The base building heating and cooling plant serve the existing and CI portions of the building. Therefore the entire building is to be modeled using that existing plant (boilers and a fluid cooler serving a WSHP loop).

3. I am not sure of how the lighting should be modeled in the portion of the building not included in the CI portion. The base building lighting has only a few fixtures but in reading the LEED v4 CI reference manual, page 130, Step 7, it states "Include design conditions for systems within the tenant scope of work, including HVAC, lighting and plug loads, and existing conditions for systems that are unchanged". Does this mean that the lighting in the proposed model, non-CI portion will have a low lighting power density whereas the baseline model in those portions will have the 90.1-2010 lighting power density? This does not seem correct to me.

Thanks for any assistance!

Christopher Jones, P.Eng.
Tel: 416.644.4226 * Toll Free: 1.888.425.7255 x 527

Chris Jones
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