LEED v4 and lighting controls

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Hi everyone,

Found this short article an interesting read. Provides an overview of how advanced lighting controls will work their way into our energy models under LEED v4. "Advanced lighting controls" include manual/programmed/daylight dimming, multi-level switching, and task-ambient workstation lighting with dimming/sensors.


The response provided by USGBC for this article appears to technically conflict with the usual language in Appendix G Table 3.1, section 6 (or at least my current copy - there may be current/future addenda I'm missing), but it sounds as though we'll be permitted to document and work additional LPD allowances into the baseline lighting power densities.

I expect mindful LEED v4 modelers of the future may be well-advised to work" potential impact of advanced lighting controls" into their DD-stage LEED assessments, to put the lighting designers on notice at an early enough juncture to realize the benefits...



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