LEED - Proposed and baseline buildings

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Hi all,

This question is to do with the proposed and baseline buildings for

I understand that if no cooling system exists then according to Appendix
G the cooling system for the proposed building is to be identical to the
cooling system used for the baseline building. So say if for my proposed
building I have a Multizone Air Handler with a Heating Coil only, and
for my baseline building I have a Packaged rooftop VAV with terminal
reheat. Does that mean I have to change the system type for my proposed
building from Multizone Air Handler to Packaged rooftop VAV with
terminal reheat? Or just change the cooling type to whatever the cooling
type is for the baseline building (i.e. Chilled Water, DX, etc....)?

Why I'm confused is because in eQuest we don't have separate systems for
cooling and heating they come under the same HVAC system. The only
difference is the Heating or Cooling types

Can someone please clarify and many thanks for your help.

Kind regards,


Aswan Ali's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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