LEED compliance analysis in Europe - site data longitude and latitude in eQUEST

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Dear E-Quest Users,

I am modeling for the first time with Equest a little office building
in Madrid (Spain). I have had a problem whith weather files when
assessing the compliance with ASRAE 90.1. because of the building is
out of USA. I have followed the advise told in the email explained
just down this lines, that means to do the baseline with an USA
location with the same climate zone (2B) than Madrid and then to edit
it. But I can not entry to the Building Creation wizard and to edit
it, since the program says: *Only projects that were originally
generated fromn wizard inputs allow re-entry into the building create


So the archive is in Detailed Data Edit mode but I can not change to
Wizard Data Edit mode.......

Does anybody knows how to edit the baseline archive with US weather
file via the wizard mode to introduce Madrid's weather file allowing
to make a realistic comparison? Via detailed edit mode the software is
not prepared for out of USA...

Thanks in advance,

Marcel G?mez

As a Canadian user, I sympathize. The current version of eQUEST (3.64)
will only generate the 90.1-2007 appendix G reference building for US
locations. In that .pdf describing

the LEED compliance analysis, one of the "future features" is
international locations. (It looks like you can just put the long and
lat in but it won't accept them ... we won't talk about how long I
spent trying to do that!)

So, what you end up doing for now is selecting a US location with the
same climate zone as your site, generating the reference building and
then opening that as a separate file and making any further required
modifications -- such as setting the weather file/project site

Given that this is the 1st generation of eQUEST that creates a 90.1
reference, you want to go through that reference building very
carefully to ensure that it is correctly representing the reference
you need to be compared against. eQUEST saves you a lot of work by
automatically generating the reference -- but you cannot use it
blindly (yet).

Good luck!


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