Labor Day is over!
There is still time to register for the 2014 ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA Building
Simulation Conference
Atlanta, Sept. 10 - 12 (Pre-Conference Workshops, Sept. 8-9)
*Conference Highlights*
* Keynote presentations by Dru Crawley and Krishnan Gowri
* 63 papers presented; 43 non-paper presentations
* Conference is approved for PDHs, LEED-AP credits and AIA LU credits
* New Research ? uncertainty analysis, urban modeling and more
* Practical Applications ? cloud-based BIM, lighting/daylighting,
LCCA, HVAC components and more
* Showcase ? _all_ of the major software vendors will be present
* Education ? 11 pre-conference courses and workshops scheduled on
Sept. 8-9
*Modeling Tools Market-Reality Sessions* ? 11 vendors discuss
* Design Workflow
* Code and Rating Documentation
* Net-Zero and Low Energy Design
* Existing Building Applications
Hope to see you there!