Importing Window 5 file to eQuest

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Is there any way to import costumed Glazing data to eQuest from Window 5?

I tried to do it and eQuest was giving me the error - ?*Invalid U-value
Conditions - likely due to non-NFRC conditions being specified in the Window

But when I change the ?Environmental conditions? in Window 5 while creating
glazing, eQuest is showing error ? ?*Missing or invalid Glazing Description*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #1 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #2 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #3 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #4 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #5 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #6 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #7 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #8 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #9 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #10 not found*

*Visible Transmittance (Tvis) #11 not found*

*Solar Reflectance (from inside) (Rbsol-Hemis) #1 not found*

*Visible Reflectance (from inside) (Rbvis-Hemis) #1 not found*

*Shading Coefficient (SC) #1 not found*

*Film Coefficient #1 not found*

*Film Coefficient #2 not found*

*Film Coefficient #3 not found*

*U-Center #1 not found?*

I saw the post
says about importing Window only not glazing systems!

I am wondering is there any way to do it or not?

Please help.



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