IES VE training - Chicago & Omaha

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Integrated Environmental Solutions will be hosting 2-day training events in Chicago and Omaha.

This two day event qualifies for GBCI's CMP and will cover every aspect of the VE including LEED credit analysis (daylight, renewable energy, thermal comfort, and ASHRAE 90.1 PRM), detailed envelope analysis, lighting calculations and simulation, CFD, natural ventilation and mixed-mode systems modelling, climate analysis, ASHRAE load calculations and HVAC system sizing (Heat Balance Method), detailed HVAC systems modelling, and much more. For a full overview and details of the two day session (you can choose to attend either one day or both days), click the appropriate link:

Chicago September 25-26

Omaha (U of Nebraska) October 15-16

[Description: IES]

Nathan Kegel

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Joined: 2011-03-09
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