IBPSA-USA NY Regional Chapter | Considerations for the Future of Building Energy Use in New York City

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*IBPSA-USA New York Regional Chapter presents:*

*Considerations for the Future of Building Energy Use in New York City*

Location: Atelier Ten, 45 East 20th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY (near
Park Ave.)

Date & Time: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 6:00-7:30 PM.

6:00-6:30 PM Networking

6:30-7:00 PM Feasibility of Passive House for Public Buildings

7:00-7:15 PM: Q & A

7:15 -7:45 PM Calibrated Building Energy Model Set for City-Scale Energy

7:45-8:00 PM: Q & A

*Register here

*Presentation #1: Feasibility of Passive House for Public Buildings*

As New York City pursues greater carbon reductions, the Passive House
standard (PH) offers a way to significantly accelerate energy savings in
public buildings. While PH is common throughout Europe, very few buildings
in NYC have achieved the standard, and those that have are private homes.
This rigorous standard sets a high benchmark for energy reduction that far
exceeds the current New York City Energy Conservation Code and LEED?s
Energy and Atmosphere prerequisite. PH principles focus on high
performance envelopes, and simple but controlled mechanical ventilation
with heat recovery, so it can be applied to a range of building types and
construction systems. However, with few completed examples, determining
the standard?s applicability to public projects in NYC is difficult.

The New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) and Atelier
Ten recently completed a study of three DDC projects that examines the
changes in design, construction, and building operation necessary to meet
the PH standard. Each project brings to light different opportunities and
challenges when considering PH. The study involved modeling potential
energy efficiency measures related to the building envelope, lighting, and
mechanical systems, as well as the potential impact of incorporating all
measures on source energy intensity and CO2 emissions. Although not
exhaustive, the study does provide great insight into how PH can be
employed in public projects, possible environmental benefits and


Wendy Wan is a project director in the Office of Sustainable Design at the
New York City Department of Design and Construction. Her role at DDC
involves providing technical guidance on sustainable issues for many of the
City?s capital projects along with researching new technologies and
standards that may be utilized throughout the City, such as geothermal heat
pumps and Passive House. Wendy is a registered architect in the State of
New York and a LEED AP. She received a Bachelor of Architecture from
Carnegie Mellon University and a Master of Science in Architectural Studies
from the University of Texas at Austin.

Shivani Shah is an environmental designer at Atelier Ten. She is an expert
in building energy analysis, including the optimization of high performance
building envelope and mechanical systems. Shivani has worked on a variety
of university, commercial, and residential buildings. Shivani also works
on the development of in house analysis tools and assists in the daylight
analysis group. She received a Bachelor of Architecture from Kamla Raheja
Vidhyanidhi Institute for Architecture & Environmental Studies in India,
and a Master of Science in Building Design from Arizona State University.

*Presentation #2: Calibrated Building Energy Model Set for City-Scale
Energy Analysis*

With deeper penetration of intermittent renewable energy resources, supply
and demand effects at a higher time resolution will become more important
as variations in grid emissions will become more significant. Effects of
building stock changes on usage profiles are not easily analyzed, and
on-site fossil fuel usage ? the dominant loads in many urban areas ? are
generally only available annually. Columbia University developed a set of
23 building models representative of the NYC building stock, based on the
Department of Energy?s reference building models and calibrated to hourly
NYC electricity demand data and building type electricity and fuel EUIs
based on a statistical analysis of zip code-level building and energy usage
data. This talk will focus on the methodology used, the results, and
potential research and policy applications.


Michael Waite, P.E., is PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at Columbia
University where he is a National Science Foundation IGERT Fellow. Mike
researches integrating renewable energy into existing grids and
infrastructure and analyzing buildings as nodes in energy networks. His
particular focus is improving renewable energy utilization through urban
design strategies. Previously, Mike was a building technology engineer in
the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry.

Best Regards,

Pallavi Mantha

Chair | IBPSA-USA NY Chapter


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