IBPSA awards and fellows call for nominations - new deadlines in January and February 2021

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Call for Nominations for Fellows of IBPSA (new deadline, January 31, 2021)

The Board of Directors of IBPSA is seeking nominations for the 2021 class of
Fellows. The IBPSA membership grade of Fellow recognizes individuals who

?A member who has attained distinction in the field of building performance
simulation, or in the allied arts or sciences, or in teaching of major
courses in said arts and sciences, or who by way of research, simulation
code development, original work, or application of building simulation on
projects of a significant scope, has made substantial contribution to said
arts and sciences, and has been active in the field for at least ten (10)

The IBPSA Board of Directors elects new Fellows on a two-year cycle,
culminating with recognition at the biennial Building Simulation

Nominations may be made by IBPSA members other than the nominee. The
deadline for nominations is January 31, 2021. We would like as many
nominations as possible, so please contact the Chair of the Awards and
Fellows Committee, Micha?l Kummert, to discuss a possible nomination if
required (michael.kummert at polymtl.ca ).

Nominations should include details of the nominee?s accomplishments in one
or more of the following categories: industrial leadership, research,
simulation code development, application of building simulation on projects
of significant scope, educational leadership, and significant technical
contributions to the allied arts and sciences. Detailed instructions to
submit nominations and a list of IBPSA fellows can be found on the IPBSA
website: http://www.ibpsa.org/fellows/.

Call for Nominations for IBPSA Awards (new deadline, February 28, 2021)

The Board of Directors of IBPSA is seeking nominations for Awards to be
presented at Building Simulation 2021, in Bruges, Belgium (1-3 September
2021). IBPSA makes three awards for outstanding work in the building
performance simulation field. These awards are made on a biennial basis at
each Building Simulation Conference, providing there is a qualified
candidate. The three categories awarded are:

(1) IBPSA Distinguished Achievement Award. This award, formerly named the
IBPSA Award for Distinguished Service to Building Simulation, recognizes an
individual who has a distinguished record of contributions to the field of
building performance simulation, over a long period.

(2) IBPSA Outstanding Young Contributor Award. This award recognizes an
individual at the beginning of their career who has demonstrated potential
for significant contributions to the field of building performance

(3) IBPSA Innovative Application Award. This award, formerly named the IBPSA
Award for Distinguished Practice, recognizes an individual, group or firm,
who has made a significant contribution to the effective application and/or
advancement of building performance simulation in practice. The award may be
given for a unique or noteworthy use of simulation in practice; development
of simulation software or supporting software that has had a significant
impact on industry practice; or other contribution that has advanced
building performance simulation in practice.

Nominations for awards must be made by an independent third party and
submitted by February 28, 2021. We would like as many nominations as
possible, so please contact the Chair of the Awards and Fellows Committee,
Micha?l Kummert, to discuss a possible nomination if required
(michael.kummert at polymtl.ca ).

Detailed instructions to submit nominations and a list of recent past
recipients of these awards can be found on the IPBSA website:

Micha?l Kummert

Chair, IBPSA Awards and Fellows Committee

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Joined: 2018-12-04
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